You are absolutely right my friend. Also many folk are awaiting tax returns with baited breath. I guarantee Trump paid the minimum his tax lawers could come up with, using every break, loop hole available (we all do).When Nixon was president, one year he paid $750 income tax, legally. I had seamen working for me who paid more. His was legal.Even on tax returns, the real wealth will never be known.Along the tax line, I would be willing to bet Hillary paid more than Trump, the cost was worth it, she knew she was going to run and paid a big sum. I am sure she and Bill figured it was worth it, since they were dead broke when leaving office.Sorry to ramble, what was the point now? Oh yeah the dude is in debt. At least I am not! But I drive an older Honda Fit and don't have one of them air planes to keep up! Some facts but mostly just my
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