Nature Boy, I didn't get through all of Ann's article. She has just written a book which replaces the word God with the word Trump in the popular motto In God we trust. She has been just as much in the tank for Trump as the mainstream media has been for Hillary.I did read all of the other link when Resident Skeptic posted it a while back. I think it is spin, and here's why.First of all, if you look at Trump's motions, it is obvious he is making the motions of a person who is lacking motor control. As one of the commenters on the Catholic site said, it's like calling someone retarded who is not actually mentally challenged. So Trump doesn't mimic the reporter's actual way of moving, but he is mocking the way he looks. And that is very consistent with Trump's history of the way Trump categorizes anyone with a weakness or unattractiveness as a loser, dog, or anyone who opposes him as being crazy or neurotic. He is a bully. That's what bullies do.And when Trump tries to claim he was merely saying the reporter was groveling, WHAT ON EARTH does that mean? Are those the motions of groveling? What the reporter actually said was to correct Trump's characterization of his article. He did not grovel.Furthermore, Trump's claim that he didn't know the guy doesn't seem accurate, since the guy had worked with Trump before. (But then again, maybe Trump couldn't remember him because he was such a loser.)Then there is the claim that he makes the same motions about Cruz. Well, the motions are less vertical and more horizontal when he mocks Cruz. that might seem like splitting hairs, but if you look at the psychology of mocking someone by making spastic motions, then talking about someone else that you have a similar contempt for, you might start making that same motion until you mentally check yourself. And that's what it looks like to me. Have you seen the class bully? Bonnie is so clumsy [makes the clumsy motion] Nature Boy is so retarded [starts to make the clumsy motion, checks it, makes a Down Syndrome face]But what if he DIDN'T actually mock the disabled reporter? Does that mean he didn't make fun of John McCain for being a POW. Does that mean he hasn't used crude and vulgar language to describe women as sex objects? Does that mean he didn't retweet an unflattering picture of Heidi Cruz in comparison to Melania. Does that mean he didn't say in the good old days protesters would have been carried out on a stretcher? Does that mean he didn't stoop to a twitter campaign against Megyn Kelly, calling her crazy? Does that mean he didn't try to link Ted Cruz's father with the assassination of JFK?Does that mean he hasn't donated to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's senate campaign?Does that mean he didn't refer to Marco Rubio as little Marco?