And when did those people die that are pictured? It was not until 1943, that the Nazis knew that it was all over, that the Final Solution was implemented. While Jews were persecuted in Germany in the 30's, there were no mass killings. This is simply not true, RS. True, the Final Solution went into full swing in 1943, but there were numerous mass killings prior to that. Study ya history, son, an don't be tryin to pull one over on the ole timer. There were indeed killings prior to 1943, but nothing on the scale of the Holocaust. But the point remains, Hitler would not have had access to them had there not been a silly war guarantee given to Poland by France and Britain. Later, they admitted that they gave Poland that guarantee thinking it would somehow prompt Poland to negotiate with Hitler. Sadly, it had the opposite effect causing Poland to thumb its nose at the German dictator. France and Germany knew they could not defend Poland. Their war guarantee was a fraud. Hitler was not planning on annexing Poland. He wanted them as an ally against Russia. He was not even asking for huge chunks of land from them. He wanted the port city of Danzig that was 90% German. Even Churchill admitted Hitler's demand was not unreasonable. Poland was a quasi-fascist dictatorship that was persecuting its own Jews. This is what we all went to war over